 Your Smiling Faces 

on Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I just love to see your smile,
I am ready to go that extra mile.
All this I want not for you, but for me.
I just cannot live without it.

The day I see no one smiling,
That’s the worst day I ever have.
All this I say not for you, but for me.
The day is just worthless without it.

I am told to go on a larger mission,
This smile is just too small to care,
All this, people say to me everyday.
I am told to care a damn about it.

The world thinks I am naïve and stupid,
Your smile it says will never last for long.
All this it says not for you, but for me.
The world wants me to give up on it.

But I will never let go of my hope,
The smile of yours makes me stronger.
All the worldly things I‘ll give up any day,
But I can’t let go of your smile.


PRACHI...... said...

hey nice one....
keep smiling :-)